‘Tis the season for sharing, caring, and eating a lot of goodies — today around the office we're celebrating 'National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!'

It's time for all chocolate lovers to rejoice! December 16 is the official day you have permission to enjoy chocolate in all its forms. If there is such a thing as too much, here's the day to find out!
And if you haven’t yet received some chocolate this month or you’d like to buy some for yourself or for a gift, head to our favorite local ice cream, chocolate, and candy store, Goody’s Soda Fountain, at 1502 N 13th St in Boise’s Hyde Park. Their motto, ‘Only Too Much is Enough!’ We like the way they think!
Life is like a box of chocolates,
Jill & Team
P.S. We hate to toot our own horns, but we're pretty sweet, just like chocolate! Our clients always have great things to say about working with our team — we’re not saying we're as good as chocolate, but I bet we're pretty close! :-)

It's time for all chocolate lovers to rejoice! December 16 is the official day you have permission to enjoy chocolate in all its forms. If there is such a thing as too much, here's the day to find out!
And if you haven’t yet received some chocolate this month or you’d like to buy some for yourself or for a gift, head to our favorite local ice cream, chocolate, and candy store, Goody’s Soda Fountain, at 1502 N 13th St in Boise’s Hyde Park. Their motto, ‘Only Too Much is Enough!’ We like the way they think!
Life is like a box of chocolates,
Jill & Team
P.S. We hate to toot our own horns, but we're pretty sweet, just like chocolate! Our clients always have great things to say about working with our team — we’re not saying we're as good as chocolate, but I bet we're pretty close! :-)
Finding That Perfect Tree: The Hunt Is On!